Name Server
(te oud om op te antwoorden)
Justin Zhu
2004-08-20 18:11:11 UTC
Sorry it is in English, I will learn dutch when i have time.

I have a question: Is the nameserve port (TCP 42) blocked by planet? if
it is, is there anyway that i can go around?

I run a small nameserver on my gateway which is connect to planet ADSL.
if i put nameserve ip as local ip: from a client, it works
fine. but if i put it as 65.103.xx.xx; which is my real IP from planet,
it fails. and i dont have any firewall on port 42! i guess the port
could be blocked by planet. (like smpt port 25)!

Someone please give me an definit answer.

2004-08-20 20:04:46 UTC
Post by Justin Zhu
Sorry it is in English, I will learn dutch when i have time.
I have a question: Is the nameserve port (TCP 42) blocked by planet? if
it is, is there anyway that i can go around?
DNS is running on port 53 TPC and UDP and yes, i run Bind9 on my Planet
account without problems.
Gr. Ruud
2004-08-23 12:52:13 UTC
Post by ruud
Post by Justin Zhu
Sorry it is in English, I will learn dutch when i have time.
I have a question: Is the nameserve port (TCP 42) blocked by planet? if
it is, is there anyway that i can go around?
DNS is running on port 53 TPC and UDP and yes, i run Bind9 on my Planet
account without problems.
Thanks, Ruud!

I disabled the firewall on the port 53, it works fine now!!!
2004-08-23 13:02:49 UTC
Post by Justin
DNS is running on port 53 TCP and UDP and yes, i run Bind9 on my Planet
account without problems.
Thanks, Ruud!
I disabled the firewall on the port 53, it works fine now!!!
Great :-)
Gr. Ruud